Tuesday 26 January 2016

Packing Party Updates

Today, I have unpacked my laptop today because I have to pay my bill.
Managed to not to use it for two days. Though it is necessary because everything is digitalised nowadays. I tried to minimise the time I spent online and be aware of the surroundings. Enjoy dinner with parents, discuss about the refurbishment of the new apartment.
In addition, I have managed to look through some of the miscellaneous items and placed them at my donation/sell/swap bag. There are so many of stuff which I do not need.
I mean come on now, how many faces do we need to have 50+ moisturising facial masks stored? So yes, that goes into some other people's house.

Monday 25 January 2016

Packing Party First thought

Waking up with an empty room was amazing. Yet it does feel empty but I am not in hurry to reinstate to the previous situation. I did not moved any of my furnitures, only the items have been moved into another room.

If you have not started your Packing Party yet, perhaps you should close your eyes for a moment to imagine your room/apartment completely empty. That might push you a bit to engage in your decluttering project.

To get my morning started, I simply went into the room and grab the items I need for work from the boxes/bags. I felt great! I felt phenomenal! I have a great day ahead of me.

Bonus of the day - I have deleted my Facebook app from I phone as well as deactivated it. I am going to declutter my digital files too. I am ready!

Sunday 24 January 2016

Packing Party Day 1 - Packing and Boxing

Packing and boxing stuff aren't easy. Especially when you would not like your family to think you went crazy. Since I would not like to make any purchases to pack, I used what I have found at my home to do so. These red-white-blue nylon carrier bags are my perfect best friend. Since I am living with my family, I have only cleared out the stuff in my room and those I own in the toilet. They will all be placed in my sister's room since she is away.

There was just one thing I had in mind. I need to have my bedroom clean and everything packed in bags. I have already had my summer clothes locked away in my suitcase, I am not going to touch them for now. To make my after packing party life easier, I gave each bag a label so I would be able to find the items I need easier.

The result was shocking as I have one bag of coat, one bag of tops, one bag of bottoms. The rest are just makeup, shoes, electronics, miscellaneous items etc. Even though I was prepared to face the items I have accumulated over some times. It was still overwhelming to see three bags of clothing I owned (PS: Winter clothing only). It's even worse as I do tidy every season.

Saturday 23 January 2016

The beginning of minimalism

Over the past week, I have been reading articles and listening broadcasts related to one concept - Minimalism. And this is so powerful that made me want to join their crews to become one. Imagine a clear space with everything you love. That is just too tasty!

I have always been a big fan of TIDY UP. I just had to because I lived in boarding school, and that required me to pack and clean up my room at the end of the academic year. Throwing away procession is the last thing I would like to do since I have brought them all the way from Hong Kong to Britain. Of course I would not want to throw them away. I kept them in my wardrobe, shelf or just any spaces to wait for that one day that it might come in handy. I brought them to everywhere, the storeroom for summer, new dorm at a new school, another new dorm for Uni in Hong Kong (Yes! That's what I did.) I called that the story of moving my stuff around. I had basically just moved around a pile of stuff into different spaces..

Luckily, I was forced to face the stuff I had because I have to bag them or place them in my suitcase. Though I have tried extremely hard to not to throw any of them away because that was wasteful. Mentality remains and here I am. I have graduated for two years now and returned to my own room at home. Wanting to tidy up everyday, but it was impossible to do so.

Minimalism has pushed me to think one step further. It promotes an idea of owning less, which quite contradict with the consumerism which buying more and more to fulfil our material wants and the hole of emptiness. As I will be moving to another apartment soon, I have decided not to bring my clutter along with me. It's a perfect time to do de-clutter!

I have chosen The Minimalists' "packing party" method. Click here to browse their blog. Ryan and Joshua are awesome and will guide you through your journey of de-cluttering.